Asia and Pacific Coffee

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    Mysore is a traditional market name for wet-processed Arabica coffee from southern India that's been grown, picked, and selected by hand. This particular coffee from a Mysore plantation is a natural-hybrid Arabica from Badnekhan Estate. Cupping Notes: The green coffee beans are in the 17 screen size range. Very clean and well processed. Elegant dry aroma, less intense on the wet break. Flowery and refined cup. Chocolate with hints of pipe tobacco and malt. Sweetens nicely as the cup cools. Roasting Notes: A fairly hard bean and grown at just under 4,000 feet, this coffee does well at a dark roast and seems to have good "milk cutting" characteristics, making it a nice addition to an espresso blend used for creating cappuccinos or lattes with. Lighter roasts accentuate the coffee blossom (flowery) notes making this a pleasant, single origin coffee for French Press or other standard brewing methods. karnataka patio This plantation coffee is wet processed and patio dried to assure consistently good looking & tasting beans. The raking of the beans on the drying floor is even done at different angles so the ridges do not create shade on some of the beans during the day. karnataka ridge Shade-grown coffee In India is very typical. Due to the very high temperatures as well as the monsoon rains the shade must be in place to protect the plants from the sun and must be pruned somewhat at the start of the rainy season. Take advantage of our multi-pound discount: Purchase 1 lb at the regular price Order 2-4 pounds of same coffee type and receive 25 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only) Order 5 or more pounds of same coffee type and receive 50 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only)
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    The Sigri coffee plantation, located in the Waghi Valley in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea was established over 50 years ago and rapidly gained the reputation for producing the finest Arabic coffee in the country. Their quality control begins in the field. Cherry coffee is hand-picked and is painstakingly checked for uniformity. It must be red and fully ripe which is necessary to obtain the correct balance of sugar and acid within the cherry. The selected cherries are then pulped on the same day of picking. The fermentation process follows with a period of three days broken every 24 hours by washing. Unlike most other coffees, the Sigri process follows this by total immersion in water for an extra day. This creates an amazingly superior coffee. Sun drying further enhances the coffee and, unlike many other green coffees from this region all Sigri coffee is dun dried.

    Cupping Notes: Medium to low intensity dry aroma, becoming more intense during the wet break. Cedar, pipe tobacco, mild acidity. Clean cup. Sweet.

    Roasting Notes: City to Full City, depending on the brew style and personal preference. We prefer medium roast. Will add lots of sweetness when used as an espresso blend component.,

    sigri coffee beds

    Take advantage of our multi-pound discount: Purchase 1 lb at the regular price Order 2-4 pounds of same coffee type and receive 25 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only) Order 5 or more pounds of same coffee type and receive 50 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only)
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    "Batak" is term used to identify groups, or tribes, predominately found in Northern Sumatra. "Mutu" is a short name of one of these groups that grows coffee near Mt. Kelimutu, hence, "Mutu Batak". The coffee from here is excellent and is similar in characteristics to "Blue Batak". Both are clean tasting for Sumatrans. One could say the two coffees are indistinguishable except for normal differences that can occur from lot to lot, and season to season. Cupping Notes: Silky dry fragrance, becoming intense during the wet break. very clean cup, low acidity, malt, cherry pipe tobacco, coco, sweet lingering aftertaste. Well processed coffee with few brokens. Roasting Notes: Medium to dark roast. Low amount of quakers compared to a lot of other Sumatrans, so it roasts relatively even for coffee from this region. Take advantage of our multi-pound discount: Purchase 1 lb at the regular price Order 2-4 pounds of same coffee type and receive 25 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only) Order 5 or more pounds of same coffee type and receive 50 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only)
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