South American Coffee

  • Dedicated to sustainability and quality, Daterra Farms had its beginnings in the early 1900's when an Italian family emigrated to Brazil and started farming. The brand "Daterra" actually came about in the 1980's.

    Yellow cultivars grown on different sections of this huge farm complex are combined to produce this sweet coffee. The beans go through a pulp-process (semi-washed) which give them a uniform appearance.

    This coffee is great for pour-over's, regular brewing, or French press. If you're looking for an espresso bean, we'd recommend Sweet Blue.

    Suggested Roast - Medium-dark

    Cupping Notes: Brown sugar aroma, almond nuttiness flavor, moderate body, floral, sweet lingering aftertaste.

    Take advantage of our multi-pound discount: Purchase 1 lb at the regular price Order 2-4 pounds of same coffee type and receive 25 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only) Order 5 or more pounds of same coffee type and receive 50 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only)
  • Daterra Farms is a very large, technologically advanced operation which produces a variety of coffees on its plantations. As with all green coffee beans from there are are some of the cleanest and well processed beans we see. The green coffee comes to us vacuum packed in foil bags to protect from moisture and other possible contaminates on its journey from the coffee shrub to your cup! This coffee is very sweet and is an excellent choice for a single origin espresso, or as the base part of a blend. Cupping Notes: Moderate dry aroma, becoming more intense on the wet break. Lots of Almonds and other assorted nuts. Mild acidity. Lots of sweetness. Clean and well balanced. Roasting Notes: Medium roast. Roast them too light and they become grassy in taste. Brazil Daterra Sweet Blue Take advantage of our multi-pound discount: Purchase 1 lb at the regular price Order 2-4 pounds of same coffee type and receive 25 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only) Order 5 or more pounds of same coffee type and receive 50 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only)
  • This is a Mountain Water Processed decaf in which no chemical solvents were used in the decaffeinated process. The bean roast very evenly and retain the distinctiveness of non-decaf Colombians. Vibrant and pleasing to the taste.

    An excellent choice for all brewing methods, including espresso. For wonderful experience, Try some in a double or even triple shot cappuccino or latte.

    Cupping Notes: Caramel aroma and flavor, silky smooth and more fruity ness than one would expect from a decaf beans, in which a lot of acidity tends to become muted as a function of the decaffeination process. Well-rounded body,balanced, and uniform.

    Roasting Notes: These beans roast nicely and can be roasted darker than most decaffeinated beans before they exhibit oily ness on the bean exterior. They are very easy to roast.

    Please note: These are Un-Roasted coffee beans that need to be roasted before brewing. Decaffeinated beans look dark and have been known to trick people into grinding and brewing them without roasting them (seriously)!

    coffee mill Take advantage of our multi-pound discount: Purchase 1 lb at the regular price Order 2-4 pounds of same coffee type and receive 25 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only) Order 5 or more pounds of same coffee type and receive 50 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only)
  • From .the Reis Brothers' Farm, this is an impressive, beautiful coffee farm and their spirit in farming is infectious. They have been producing some of Carmo de Minas' best coffee for years and their is nothing like a farmers pride! And they have a brick factory on their property going way back. And cows, naturally.

    This is a microlot coffee with a limited number of bags produced.

    Cupping Notes: Medium intense dry aroma. Breaking the crust reminds us of being inside a chocolate shop. Pine nuts. Apricot, cocoa, fine malt. Mild acidity. Clean cup. The lingering pleasant cocoa aftertaste is a strong hint that this coffee will work well in an espresso.

    Roasting Notes: Natural processed beans, so they don't appear to be anything special in their green form. However once roasted they morph into a beautiful uniform color. The coffee is clean - no brokens, foreign matter, quakers, etc. It is truly a specialty grade coffee.

    coffee worker at Cafe do Brasil

    Take advantage of our multi-pound discount: Purchase 1 lb at the regular price Order 2-4 pounds of same coffee type and receive 25 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only) Order 5 or more pounds of same coffee type and receive 50 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only)
  • This tasty Supremo comes to us in Grain-pro lined jute bags to help preserve moisture content and prevent contamination of the beans. It is a co-op coffee with not many defects. It roasts up nicely and is what one would expect from an all-around nice Colombian coffee.

    Cupping Notes: Moderate-to-Intense dry aroma; becoming less intense during wet and break. Ripe citrus top notes, medium body. At a light roast grains such as rice or wheat are noticed (typical for a Colombian coffee). Malty at a darker roast. Pleasant sweet finish as the cup cools.

    Roasting Notes: Being a fairly hard and dense bean, this coffee holds up well to darker roasts. Roast it no lighter than City+. Medium roast seems to bring out the best characteristics including aroma and body.

    coffee cart Take advantage of our multi-pound discount: Purchase 1 lb at the regular price Order 2-4 pounds of same coffee type and receive 25 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only) Order 5 or more pounds of same coffee type and receive 50 cents/pound discount (the discount applies to this item only)
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